Recovery Testimonials

Marc's face


I'm here to talk about my story of recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and how ANS REWIRE helped me.

... I am exercising again, able to be in noisy places, exercise, be back at work, travel, have time with friends.

So, if you're thinking about signing up, at least watch the first three videos, definitely, and watch reviews or whatever until you decide whether it's for you or not. 

I definitely think if you're sick there's nothing to lose by just giving it a try, giving it your all, and the results, they're pretty crazy.



If you're doubting, if you're wondering, 'Is this something that I want to invest in?' Do it. You won't regret it.

I loved that it was sort of multi-faceted. So it didn’t focus on one particular area. It wasn’t all about supplements. It wasn’t all about, I don’t know, your diet. It covered everything.

Embarking on a program like ANS REWIRE is the number one way to learn about the tools available for recovery.

The program was designed extremely carefully to help people with CFS like me digest all of the information in a manageable way and fully internalize it. It was paced incredibly well and thoughtfully designed to help users at various roadblocks.



Life has been phenomenal, I've been back at the gym...back to guitar, back to playing with my nieces and, play, just enjoying life.

I recommend this to anyone with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia...Dan has nailed it.

It is incredibly well designed and thought through. It’s a great holistic program that combines everything to help you recover.

I really hope that as many people as possible can find out about it because it really helped me so much.


face of mecfs recoverer Simon Ratcliffe


The most important thing for me was the ability to follow a structured program.

ANS REWIRE was an absolutely crucial part of my recovery from ME/CFS.  Give it a chance, give it a look...trying something to help you recover.

I've been ill for 20 years (with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and IBS)... it feels like waking up from kids notice it, I'm present, I'm a happier person. 

The last 20 years suddenly made sense.  The scientist in me is very sceptical, in particular of people who claim to have THE solution... but it doesn't claim to have the THE solution, instead there is a holistic view. 

Ela's face



I am very thankful for the was a life-changing situation.

I want to tell you that Dan is an excellent guy. If you really do what the program tells you, you're going to get better, for sure, because this is very good.

When I started the ANS REWIRE program I was basically bed-ridden (with CFS/Fibromyalgia/MCS), maybe 10% functional and after about 6 months I was close to 80% …and now I am 100%

I feel like I got my life family thinks it’s almost bordering on a miracle. I am working fairly long hours, doing errands, playing tennis with my 13 year old son, I can go for 1.5 to 2 hours on the court and I feel afterwards, the next morning I don’t feel sore, I feel refreshed."



I just wanted to tell everyone about my recovery after 31 years of being ill ...

... I am going for a 40 to 50 minute walk every morning before breakfast which I never would have dreamed of being able to do 3 months ago, so life is good.

It’s pretty wonderful.  My friends are talking about how well I look, my demeanour is different, how animated I am, my colour is better and the old Diane is back.

... I feel younger than I have for 31 years!

I was suffering with ME/CFS for nearly 3 years... (ANS REWIRE) wasn't a magic pill, but it gave me the right tools to fight against this illness.

I recommend everyone start the ANS REWIRE program because this tool gave me daily motivation...on my own, I am not sure I would have been able to do it.

Robert's face


Colin's face smiling


I wanted to share my life-saving experience with the ANS REWIRE program... I suffered with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 17 years...I was allergic to everything (MCS)

I don't know if there is an answer big enough to say what recovery means to me...just being alive without being in pain is a great joy!  ...if you are considering the ANS REWIRE program, I highly recommend you try it out.  I think this program is the most comprehensive program out there!

I am so grateful to had the most incredible impact on my health and recovery from ME/CFS

It's night and day in what I am able to do now...I can function completely normally in every aspect and it's changed me in so many times positively.

Eleanor smiling



I enrolled in ANS REWIRE one year ago almost exactly. I am 100% recovered, back at full time work and have more energy than in a really long time...

I am so grateful to Dan! I have becoming very physically active again..I can walk for hours without even thinking about it.
It’s hard for me to imagine that it wouldn’t work for you if you really give it a try and devote yourself to it ... I really encourage you to give it a try."

I am 100% recovered from a disease that I've had for 33 years and thought I would never ever get better from

I am light and free and it's just a liberating feeling.  I don't think there is anything I can't do anymore. The impact on my family is invaluable! I would just recommend that you look at yourself in the mirror and choose... "



After six years of being ill with ME/CFS, I was recovered in 4½ months

Dan has put a wonderful program together. My experience has been life changing. It’s skilfully put together so that at whatever stage you are at, you can move forward at your own pace. Working with Dan has been a life changing and transforming experience for me. I am very grateful to Dan for all he has done for me – I fully commend the ANS REWIRE program to you.

I got sick with CFS 4.5 years ago ... in 5½ months I am hiking up mountains and doing things that seemed impossible this spring.



It took me about 6 months to recover...I can now say I am 100% recovered from ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia

Take one step at a time and listen to your intuition...You will get to know so many things about yourself...Just go for it!

Over time, things will improve...the program really works

Give it a go, I definitely recommend it.

Jo recovered with ANS REWIRE from PVFS chronic pain square o


Elliott smiling


Its a categorical way to get I'm better and the difference is stark.

Definitely do it!  It is inexpensive compared to symptom treating philosophies - it is a cause treating philosophy. 


Dan’s knowledge and guidance were the very hub of my recovery from CFS.

When I met Daniel I was at the end of my rope having tried practically every treatment known to man, and had spent maybe close to $100,000 in trying to get better.

If I had not met Daniel, there is simply no way I would have been able to effect the recovery from CFS that I have. Getting better from CFS is not about taking a pill, or having this treatment...or that treatment.

Those things have their place as management tools, but the main thing is understanding the actual pathogenesis of this illness and then taking responsibility for regaining your health back.

Daniel showed me where the crux of this illness lay and helped me with the tools to get my life back. It has been a difficult journey at times, but I was at the point where it was recover or die. I just didn't want this illness any more, and knew I had to do whatever it took to recover.

Four years later my life is completely different. I no longer have to go to bed or get back home in time within a certain time frame before I crash. I can eat whatever I like, and even drink alcohol. I am doing things in my life that there was simply no hope of being able to do before. No longer do even the most simple and basic things seem like a herculean task that would put me down for the count.

For me, Daniel was "the man" whose knowledge and guidance were the very hub of my recovery from CFS."


ME is now history for me. Just a year ago I couldn´t believe I would ever say that.

Hello, I am Ingrid from Sweden and I want to tell you how I got my life back using Dan Neuffer´s program ANS Rewire. I am 46 years old and I had ME for almost ten years. And now one year after starting Dan´s program I am back in life doing exactly what I want again. I know it is hard to believe when you are sick, it sounds like a miracle, but it´s just common sense once you have the disease explained to you by someone that knows what ME is about.

When I was at my worst I was bedridden and had to lay in the living room on a mattress because I couldn´t climb the stairs to my own bedroom. I struggled to take a few steps to the toilet and my husband brought me all the food to my bed. I had a few relapses when I got this bad and stayed this bad for weeks, but most of the time I was sick with ME I was housebound, but could do a few things around the house and sit in the garden. If I did too much I would get a relapse and get a lot worse for days, weeks or even months.

What made me sick with ME? I had a really tough job at a newspaper, two small children and my B12-deficieny that was left untreated. I got ”burnt out” from stress at work and after six months of sick leave I got a severe ”cold” that left me bed bound for six weeks and that was when ME hit me – and I got REALLY sick. It took me eight years to get a proper diagnosis at a clinic in Sweden (Gottfries) specializing in ME (so yes, I really did have ME). But they only gave me a diagnosis, no help to recover. Before that I struggled for years with the Swedish health care to get help. Injections with B12 (mekobalamin) helped me a lot, medicine for my low thyroid helped a bit, also medicine for asthma and allergy and iron tablets.

Although I eventually found medical treatments for my illnesses I was still very sick and housebound. And I was not depressed like some doctors told me and I refused to take antidepressants.

My husband found someone on the Internet who has helped a lot of people with ME-CFS getting well again and I joined that program. Whilst I got a little bit better, I was still far from healthy, and then I got a really severe setback and ended up bedridden again. I knew I could get better, but I was confused about what was making me so sick again and what I could do to get better.

So I searched the internet yet again and found Dan Neuffer and his ANS REWIRE program. There I learnt the mechanisms behind the disease, and for me that made all the difference! Also that I could ask questions in the program and Dan answered them himself really quickly was great – I felt I got the personal support I needed. I also really liked that the lessons came every day and I followed them all the way to the end of the program and rewatched when I needed to.

After just a few days in the program, I felt an improvement and within a week I could play croquet with my son in the garden and I didn´t sit down to rest even once during the game. He couldn´t believe his mum actually could do something fun with him. He was so young when I fell sick he couldn´t remember me being a healthy person.

When I started the program in April 2016 I was housebound and could only move around the house a little and I didn´t dare to even take one step outside the front door into the garden. Of course it took time to rebuild my physical strength and I didn´t suddenly do anything “silly” as Dan Neuffer put it. I just let things happen slowly without thinking too much and without worrying. I never (well at least almost never) thought “If I do this it might be too much and I will get sick from it” because I knew it simply wasn´t true. So thank you Dan for putting this program together so I and many other people can recover and have our lives back. I know I can´t thank you enough, but this is my way of saying thank you! I now know I will never get sick from ME again. ME is now history for me. Just a year ago I couldn´t believe I would ever say that.

PS. I am now able to go for a brisk 30 minute walk in the mornings, work at the computer in the day and ride the bike for 5 km in the afternoon plus doing 60 sit ups and some more muscle building exercises in the evening. That´s just a normal day for me. My family now takes it for granted that I can go shopping, even for hours at IKEA, do the laundry, go visiting friends and drive long distances with the car. And I have taken up horse riding again, the thing in life I love the most!

How the ANS REWIRE programme helped me move from 70% - 100% recovered...

Although as a Nutritionist, I ‘knew’ how to look beyond the symptoms to the root cause of illness; I wasn’t winning my case of CFS. For a start I was continually perplexed by the uncertainty and far reaching range of symptoms. It began with fatigue which was so bad that it felt as if someone was sitting on me, to excruciating headaches, overall body pain and even a panic attack at one stage. However, it was the times that I was exhausted on the sofa but could barely sleep at night and when my legs had stopped working properly, that I thought I was going mad.

I’d researched and applied ‘everything’ I could think of to the problem. I surmised that of course it was a mitochondrial dysfunction, so surely supplements would work? But, I only ended up poisoning myself, as of course my body couldn’t metabolise the powerful nutrients at that stage.

Then as I started to have more energy, I thought as a keen (former runner) that I needed to build up, so I tried short walks and applied pacing. That just floored me and set me back for weeks.

I was lucky to have found the CFS recovery site, quite early on the rocky journey. This gave me hope and direction. With this encouragement, I took up meditation again after many years absence. Around the same time I was sent an online seminar through a nutrition contact on fatigue and energy and so discovered Qi-Gong. Although I could barely stand during the first few sessions, my brain switched off. Both of these practices helped me to focus and be calm. I also kept a meticulous daily diary recording what was helping and what wasn’t.

Applying these techniques helped me to get to about 70%, but then I plateaued and couldn’t get any further. About the same time, I was sent a link by Dan to the ANS REWIRE programme. I’d been impressed by the CFS recovery site, but joining and paying for the programme was scary. In the end, I knew that I needed help and that I couldn’t live like this. I looked at the intro session and because the programme took a scientific and evidence based approach, which was important to me, I signed up.

I’d known early on that stress was a major trigger for me. I even understood the physiology of stress and the ANS system, but it wasn’t until I did the programme that I really understood how I was in a perpetual state of stress. The other things that really helped were, doing the programme diligently and consistently doing the exercises and watching the videos even when it covered a topic that I felt I already ‘knew’. Instead I just made sure that I watched one video every day. There were a few days when it was too much or I replayed a previous day’s topic, but I committed to the structure.

It was not that long before I started to record progress, seeing myself reach 71, 72, 73+% and more. But I don’t want to act as if it was an easy or linear process. There were times when I thought that I was getting better but usually due to stress or overdoing it, I had a relapse or even crashed. At these times I often felt like giving in, but the programme helped me to get back on track because there was a plan that I could access and follow at any time of the day. It was also really helpful to be able to leave comments and get encouragement from Dan and the others on the programme.

Now 6 months after starting the programme, I’m so much better. I still meditate and attend therapeutic classes and I’ve also done a lot of personal development work. It is all of this and the programme which has helped me to take better care of myself and to have a more balanced life. Just being able to walk in town or even write this article is a revelation which I would not give up for anything. What Dan’s achieved through the ANS REWIRE programme is remarkable and I’ll always be very grateful to him for it."


Louise walking her dog


I found Dan’s program to be comprehensive, well laid out and easy to follow. I can’t thank Dan
enough for the life transforming program and for getting my health back.

Hello. I would like to tell you about my recovery from CFS/ME for over 25 years. My name is Louise
and I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

I became completely disabled with CFS in 1996 but was
not feeling great for a couple of years prior to that with random symptoms. I have been ill since my late 20’s and I am now 54. My symptoms changed over the years but disabling fatigue was a constant. I couldn’t be the wife and mother to my son that I yearned to be all those years. It was a very emotional and painful experience to be so restricted.

Louise walking her dog

I had tried many, many approaches to help my health and spent 10’s of thousands of dollars on this and that treatment. One in particular helped me about 5 years in and got me about 20 % better. In 2015 however I had my most severe relapse do date with a new onset of disturbing neurological
symptoms like passing out episodes, seizures, loss of the use of my right leg to name a few!! I was
devastated to hit this awful low. I then decided to research again for help to get my health back! I
enrolled in a retraining program for a couple of years and it helped but I couldn’t get to full recovery
and kept slipping back with relapses.

It was a difficult decision to switch but in 2018 I decided to jump ship and enrol in Dan’s ANS REWIRE program.I felt improvements quite quickly within the first few weeks I went from about 20% to 50%. Then it took another few months to get to about 75 %. The slowest part of my recovery was from 75% to 100% but I got there eventually!

Now life is great! I am enjoying taking on all the tasks of running a home. I exercise regularly
(walking, running, weight training etc….reconditioning essentially) and I feel great after. I now have
no symptoms that restrict what I do!

I found Dan’s program to be comprehensive, well laid out and easy to follow. I can’t thank Dan
enough for the life transforming program and for getting my health back. My husband is super
thankful too. He tells me he is very proud of me. He is also less stressed because of my ability
contribute now.

Enroll in the program. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If I can do it after all these
years you can too. I tried many other treatments but Dan’s multilateral approach to healing is what
got me there in the end. THANK YOU Dan!!

Professionals Praise Dan's Explanation & Framework

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum /M.D. & Author of the best selling book "From Fatigued To Fantastic"

ANS REWIRE can be a dramatically beneficial way to turn the circuit breaker back that controls the Autonomic Nervous System so that your body can function well again.

CFS or fibromyalgia? Feel like you tripped a circuit breaker? You have!

It's called the limbic system and hypothalamus and these control the autonomic nervous system and other functions.

Want to turn the circuit breakers back so your body can function well again?

ANS REWIRE can be a dramatically beneficial way to do that!

What makes Dan Neuffer (CFS Unravelled) unique...

is that he breaks through the noise and focuses you on the underlying dynamics that the medical research communities have wrestled with for many decades. Understanding this is key for you to regain your health!

Dan Neuffer provides the vital connections between the large range of symptoms and dysfunctions of this syndrome. He delivers the science about how the dysfunctions produce the symptoms in a way that the layperson can absorb and get their head around.

Prof. Kati Thiem, PhD 

/ Recipient of the International Award for Fibromyalgia Research

Dr. Katie Brown M.D.

I consider the skills taught in the ANS Rewire program to be an essential component of recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

As someone who suffered with CFS myself, the ANS Rewire program was the final, and most important, piece of the puzzle that unlocked my body's natural healing potential.

As a patient, the ANS Rewire program gave me a new and vital understanding of my illness. Now, as a doctor specializing in the treatment of CFS, I have continued to find the theory and skills taught in this course to be a key ingredient in my CFS treatment strategy."

The conclusions Dan Neuffer has arrived at are shared by top researchers who don’t harbor a bias.

I have been a practicing clinician treating anxiety and stress disorders for over 40 years and have researched fibromyalgia for more than 20 years. In my time I have spoken with dozens of top fibromyalgia clinicians and researchers and I am convinced that the conclusions Dan Neuffer has arrived at are shared by top researchers who don’t harbor a bias.

Because fibromyalgia cannot be verified by tests and because it emanates from a deregulation in the central nervous system, which we also do not have tests for, the field of fibromyalgia treatment is rampant with charlatans and those willing to sell products of false hope to those in great fear and pain.

Dan’s model of a stuck stress response system makes the most sense and is one used by people I know who have recovered. What remains is a cohesive protocol to calm the over active sympathetic nervous system and restore homeostatic systems of balance."

Dr. James R. Roberts / Clinician

What people are saying about ANS REWIRE...

About the program:

“There is no other program out there that goes into detail like ANS rewire does. And the fact that you get a lesson every day means that you are everyday learning, applying the lessons and recovering all at the same time. An amazing program.”

"I have to say I have done a lot of "retraining" in the past but your process is my favorite because it is much more simple that the previous ones I have tried. I was actually dreading trying to retrain yet again because I had really become jaded. But right now this feels do-able."

“I'm a Functional Medicine Nutritionist and so the scientific elements and explanations were very important to me. In tuning in to the mechanics I could link it to my training which made logical sense. At the beginning I thought that I'd want more participant interaction, but I didn't. Just reading others comments was enough. I found the program delivery easy to follow and liked that I could go back when I needed to. It's a great program.”

“Just wanted to let you know that I just finished video 7 of the ANS REWIRE program. It is mind bogglingly good!!!! I have been sick with CFS for 10 years, and in the last few years have been doing a lot of research ... but your video series puts it all together in a fabulous and practical form. WOW!!!!   My very best! You are a superstar!”

"Just a quick thank you! I’m always a skeptic in spending money for an online fix to something I deemed impossible to fix. You are definitely proving me wrong. I wake up everyday excited to hear the next video. I can’t wait to hear them all and start some real strategies. I do finally feel there is hope.

“I really love the programme and find that it explains everything clearly, is suitably academic where necessary and practical on other things.”

"I wanted to tell you that the program is SO great. I'm having a blast with it. It's just so well structured... the amount of work that you have put in there is amazing. Hard work and talent. Thank you for that."

About their progress:

"In the last week I have been on 24 mile bike rides started a 15 minute weight regime every other morning and worked a 6 hour labour intensive day yesterday for the first time in a long time. And I am fine today albeit with some mild symptoms. Congratulations on all your efforts with the website and your commitment to helping people that suffer from this terrible condition. You are truly an inspiration."

"I've been doing much better, I started a new full time job a couple weeks ago, and I'm so amazed and so thankful that I can work 8-5! After things calm down a bit I'm planning to go back through the videos. I loved what you said in the last video about keeping it simple though, and how you narrowed down the core techniques.”

"Yesterday I woke really crushed with fatigue/heavy. I watched this video for the first time and struggled to concentrate. I tried out the techniques whilst you were demonstrating them. After the video I went into the shower and noticed over an hour that the symptoms really died down so i spent the rest of the day feeling much brighter."

"I just had an amazing response to the pain exercise. I had been experiencing cluster headaches for 7 days, which left me not just in pain, but with fatigue nausea weakness and almost total inability to function. At the end of the exercise the pain was not only gone, but all of the other symptoms too. I was able to get up and prepare a meal and tidy the house feeling totally comfortable."

"In the past two days I seemed to have turned a corner. My energy and enthusiasm are back where they were about five years ago. My envelope when I started the program was about the size of the ones that come with floral deliveries. I was talking about using my service dog to pull a wheelchair, it was that low. Now I had enough stamina to go grocery shopping, run errands and then hubby and I celebrated my new life by going out to eat. He was watching me carefully as he knows I normally would have gone home and to bed after doing even half of this activity. I'm convinced this a permanent, new level of existence for me and I expect to gain even more as time progresses and my body continues to heal itself."

About the program:

“I loved the patient-centred perspective. The fact that Dan truly knows what we are and have experienced lends such credibility to the material being presented. The fact that Dan has been through this gave me the inspiration to try "yet another" theory. Yet another attempt at recovery. Additionally the comprehensive nature of the program is its great strength. The bringing together of all the disparate secondary dysfunctions under one umbrella and presenting them in their proper place in the hierarchy of dysfunctions is a great service to healing CFS. Thank you Dan!! This is such a gift to CFS sufferers.”

"Brilliant! I hesitated in signing up to this because I thought I was on a similar track and could maybe do it myself. I think I was on the right track but there is so much more clarity and information here and I’m seeing the beginnings of a structure that I wouldn’t have been able to find for myself. Thanks Dan.”

"I think the program you've developed is exceptional. I am so incredibly grateful. You have given me so much hope and so many skills I am certain I will not only recover shortly but come out the other side a more balanced, productive, and happier person than I ever was."

“Brilliant program. I'm going to start again at the start to help keep my recovery momentum going. Delayed finishing the program because I didn't want it to end (!) knowing how much each daily lesson was helping me. And interestingly each lesson topic seemed to come along at just the right time.”

About their progress:

I've been bedbound for the past year with barely any progress, but the past three days I've walked to the bathroom, several times a day, had a bath each day and yesterday even went out for five minutes in my wheelchair. The wheelchair is an especially big deal as before supporting my own head weight for more than 10 seconds (it took me a year to get to 10 seconds) felt impossible and I did it for 5 whole minutes! When you’re so used to only incremental improvements by pacing and feeling powerless, this for me was like angels singing! Like OH NY DAYS, I actually can't believe it!!

“Even though I was a nurse practitioner and could read and understand all the research, I still couldn't put it all together until I took Dan's ANS Rewire program.

Doing the protocol--dietary changes, rest, destressing and rewiring the nervous system--I found insights that helped me start to heal and continue to get stronger. I've rewired the fibro pain and the total, mind-numbing exhaustion that I felt for a decade is gone.

I have no words to adequately thank Dan for helping me regain my life.”

“Couldn't have done this before ANS Rewire”

About the program:

"Loving the program, it is really making me accountable, also having someone talking every day about what I can do is really giving me hope. Thank you so much, I can't tell you how much this means to me."

"I'm LOVING your program, you should be so proud of it!"

“The program gave a detailed but clear explanation of the cause and then went on to give methods of recovery. Excellent course - delivered very professionally. I'm making slow progress, but do feel things are improving. Knowledge is the key and then transferring this into action which is detailed clearly has helped me a lot. Many thanks.”

"I think the program is fantastic and has already helped me immensely."

“I liked all the scientific explanations of the mechanisms of the illness and the recovery. I liked having a variety of strategies specific problems. And the sense of humor.”

“Thank you so much for all the hard work and attentiveness you have put into this program. I know this will continue to snowball and make a hugely impact on and lot of people's lives!”

“The explanation of need for the actions helped a lot for me to make difficult lifestyle changes. The staggering of the videos helped me not to go to fast, which would have been a problem for me. I liked the routine of watching the videos every day.I appreciated how the program built step by step so I didn't get overwhelmed by all I had to do/change.”

“What a great opportunity to have this website available to so many people with this illness. It's been a real journey for me to learn so much about chronic fatigue and start to make a slow but steady recovery.”

“I really love the programme and find that it explains everything clearly, is suitably academic where necessary and practical on other things.”

About their progress:

"I just wanted to shout out to people considering this course. I am just shy of 3 months in, and I have made huge improvement. I feel quite close to being fully well. I am sort of shocked at how fast this happened. I have worked the program really hard and it is paying off hugely. You should try this if you are suffering. I feel I am getting my life back.”

“I'm going to have to be careful or I might become manic with how good I feel suddenly.  🙂 ”

"I had been on the lookout for quite a while for things that would help and over the past 10 years had improved somewhat. Now I feel so well and know that I need to work on thinking of myself as a well person, not so hard since I feel it. But I was sick for 33 years and that has had an impact.. But now I know the power of neuro-plasticity! Thank you, Dan for this program. I so hope that many more people find it and use it as this is the first thing I have found that actually results in recovery. I will keep up the good work and bless you every day.”

“Can’t THANK YOU enough, I have tears of joy at the moment."

"I can't help but notice that my mindfulness and ability to rest in simple awareness without thinking is improving. I value this more than I value my new found energy and thank you for making it possible."

"I think the program is fantastic and has already helped me immensely."

"I've been doing much better, I started a new full time job a couple weeks ago, and I'm so amazed and so thankful that I can work!"

“I have experienced tangible success since I started the program…This was very exciting for me, because it is clear that I am achieving good things, and gaining confidence. If I can do that in one month, then I think my goal of going back to university in 6 months’ time, is viable. Yesterday, I walked 1km down to my local beach, sat down for 15 minutes, and walked the 1km home. I'm so happy … a 2km walk will always be achievable now. Overall, I can only really see myself getting better as time progresses.”

What people are saying about the book CFS Unravelled

This was a game changer for me.

I have had CFS for at least 8 1/2 years now. During most if this time I was still functioning okay until May of 2014 when I experienced a major crash. I ended up bedbound with very severe symptoms. I never knew true suffering until this time. I was very frightened and I began to question whether or not I'd be able to recover.

Then 8 months ago I came across Dan Neuffer's website.  I signed up for the free emails explaining the root cause of CFS. The puzzle pieces started to come together.

Then I started to listen to the recovery interviews. Those became my lifeline. A seed began to germinate in my mind at this time. I began to feel hopeful that I could recover. Other people like me had done it. I could do it, too. This was a game changer for me. Hope is a powerful anecdote and I have Dan to thank for that.

Due to Dan's knowledge and the inspiration those interviews have given me I am on a path now of healing. I am so grateful to Dan. He is a generous and beautiful soul who is passionate about helping people recover. We in the CFS community are so fortunate to have him!"

Cheri Anne Widman

Els De Groote

Dan planted the seeds for my recovery - he changed all our lives!

Dan’s book and videos were really game changing for me! For the first time in years of struggle, when I was bed ridden and home for months, I got the insight that became the starting point of my healing.

The journey was heavy, tough, long and bumpy, but thanks to Dan’s posts and interviews, I never again lost hope during my recovery period.

The knowledge Dan's shares in his book and videos is priceless! I felt like all the positivity was flowing from Dan’s videos directly into our Belgian living room. Dan definitely planted the seeds for my recovery.

A huge heartfelt thank you, Dan from myself and my husband Koen and our 2 daughters Emma & Maud. You changed all our lives for the better by kick-starting my recovery and by getting me through the tough times. Thanks to the journey that started when I found you, I am now reasonably recovered (not yet 100%), and I know I will recover to be 100% soon."

Took me from a place of thinking my illness would be with me for life, to knowing that one day I will be well again.

With an 'invisible illness' like CFS, solidarity and the feeling that someone else understands how you're feeling, is so valuable. Reading Dan's work and watching the interviews with those who have recovered from CFS took me from a place of thinking my illness would be with me for life, to knowing that one day I will be well again. I have been unwell for over 18 months but I really feel this is the first time I have genuine hope of recovery.

Even the most optimistic person can be made despondent by CFS, but Dan provides a holistic view and explanation of the illness that will help you understand what your body is fighting, and help you on the path to recovery."

Anna Timings

I have been suffering from CFS/Fibro for 6 years.
For many of those years I avoided the label CFS and simply explored my new experience of life with fresh eyes of curosity. Hence I was not locked into 'CFS-speak' and CFS-Self-Limiting paradigms. Whilst I have not fully recovered, I am experiencing life differently - a difference I like and relish. And feel like I am on the verge of full recovery.
CFS Unravelled is the result of a passionate man who knows from experience what it means to has this condition. After 6 years of exploring over 30 modalities of healing, even including acting and tantra I resonated strongly with the findings presented in CFS Unravelled.
I like the fact that the wheel had not been re-invented here to. It honours existing, often little read, research.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who wishes to take responsibility for their healing.
Buy it.


Highly Recommended!
I received my diagnosis in 2007, and in that time I made a partial recovery only to slip back again. I've learnt many things in my journey living CFS, most of about myself - looking towards making a recovery has been more about voyaging into the world of personal development, The greatest gains in my partial recovery were through understanding CFS through the META-medicine/META-health model. If I'm honest I downloaded this book simply to compare notes, to see if Dan Neuffer's understanding was in a similar vein, to confirm what I already knew. It did, but I got a treasure trove besides. His very well thought out and researched hypothesis isn't a million miles away from the META-health view of CFS. To those who this book resonated with, I would urge them to check out the META-Health model, it fits like a glove
I loved Dan's writing style, he made some very difficult concepts easy to understand which helped me to consolidate information I'd previously struggled to get my head around. He dealt with some of the more controversial aspects of CFS in a empathic and sensitive manner.
Many books have been written on the subject of CFS. I've read most of them! However, between this book, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a natural way to treat ME by Professor Puri and Power Up Your Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter and Alberto Villoldo Ph.D I learnt more than in all the previous books put together. For the first time in months I feel like I know what I need to know in order to make a FULL recovery, and I can see exactly why I didn't make a full recovery before.
To reflect on what other reviewers have said, this book does need to be read from beginning to end, in that order. No skimming or flicking through. To thoroughly understand what Dan is proposing you have to follow the process he went through.

K. Galbraith   
Author Picture

I have been sick with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia for 16 years and read almost every book written on the subject and frankly stopped reading, because I have heard it all before. I have seen 6 G.P.’s and over 10 Medical Specialists as well as about 6 alternative health practitioners, all with no result. I have come across many ‘cures’ and treatments by people claiming to have recovered from CFS, and so have become very sceptical. In all the years I have never read anything that fully explained how CFS works and how people really get it and recover from it, UNTIL NOW. Nobody before Daniel could ever explain what caused the illness or how all my symptoms were created. Despite my initial scepticism about another ‘cure’, when I met Daniel at my CFS Support Group, I decided to read his book “CFS Unravelled” and I finally understood the cause of all my symptoms. I couldn’t believe how well it described me, it was obviously written by someone who has had CFS. At last I understand what causes CFS and how to go about recovering from it. It’s logical, believable, it makes sense and it fits with everything that I am experiencing. It doesn’t leave any questions unanswered (I tried hard, but couldn’t find any). I finally have the confidence and the tools to recover. I never thought I would feel hopeful and excited again about getting my life back – I look forward to giving you an update. Thank you so much.


Having been a sufferer of Fibromyalgia for over 20 years I was looking forward to this book answering some of my questions and hopefully pointing me towards relief of my symptoms.
The book is well researched and written to degree level with a lot of scientific and technical explanations. Do not be put of Dan writes in a friendly style and reminds us that we do not need to fully understand all the background but just to get a feeling of the causes before we start to treat our problems. The book includes many diagrams and charts to help those who are more visually intuitive.
Most Doctors can be very dismissive of an illness they are unable to cure and I found this quote very encouraging, "the function of the human body is truly, incomprehensibly complex and any suggestion that we fully understand it is plainly wrong. To this date, we don't even fully understand the benefit and function of the nutrients within a simple piece of broccoli..."
The main thing I can suggest to readers with this CFS or Fibromyalgia is to keep reading the book from start to finish, take your time but do not worry too much if you do not understand everything, Dan will summarise it all for you and as you read on things will make sense.
The third part of the book is your master plan to recovery and explains all you need to know to cure your illness. It is broken down into easy to follow sections that you can implement into your lifestyle and give you an idea of what to expect and when.
This is one of the most through books I have read on this subject. To anyone suffering from these dreadful, invisible illnesses I recommend you read this book.

Caroline G   

This book highlights the core issue that lay behind a diagnosis of Cfs . Most CFS books approach the illness with ways to modify the illness through treating symptoms. Neuffer writes in the book that he was so ill with Cfs and no one could cure him. He reached breaking point. As a Physicist, he felt he might have the capacity to uncover the cause as the experts couldn't help him and I think he has done an amazing job.
Daniel Neuffer looks at a whole body approach of healing from Cfs. For example he looks at toning down down the Autonomic Nervous System that that he believes is at the crux of the illness. He claims that its dysfunction lays at the core of the illness, perpetuating it and creating the nasty symptoms. This is why so many can't fathom why stress affects them so much.
Diet is a very important part of this book, as he talks about consuming the wrong foods that can exacerbate the illness. For example sugar, as he explains how important it is to eliminate it from the diet as it has a spill over effect of creating unstable blood sugar metabolism worsening the impact of the illness. He outlines what diet a CFS person should eat and why it is important to eat at certain times to help maintain regular the rhythms to create body balance. He talks about how important it is to maintain more stable cortisol levels, so eating a nutrient rich natural diet is crucial to recovery.
Also he looks at issues of Methylation and whether the body is detoxing as many CFS folk do not. He goes into detail about supplements explaining how thy can assist the body in healing but not to overload it is the key. Everyone has done the supplant thing and knows its not the cure. However his main focus is calming the nervous system and using food as key nutrients . Also he looks at the stress factor and makes suggestions as to how to resolve issues that could be holding a person back from recovery.
This is a well researched book. He knows his stuff and goes about guiding the sufferer on how to heal the body. It is very well laid out and each chapter is well summarised. I am glad I purchased it as it has added to my knowledge bank having been a long sufferer myself .

R. Holtom   

Best book on the market for FMS/CFS Suffers.
You will find the answers that your doctor can't give you! It is a true LIFE SAVER! Dan breaks everything down to explain how and why we have what we have. It becomes a bit complicated, but hang in there. If you only get the jist of the medical understanding you will be fine. He then goes into how to recover from this/these disorders. It all makes good sense. The recovery phase will be hard work, but once you have completed it, you will have your life back again. You will feel healthy. How can you put a price tag on that?
Have an open mind, even if you think you have tried everything and have given up on finding real help. This book IS THE REAL THING!!

Author Picture

Over the years of my illness, I had so many different pieces of information but never found anything that linked it all together. I went to libraries and spent countless hours on the internet searching for a miracle cure, but never found one that worked. I kept searching for cures and treatments, but never for the cause of the illness – WHAT A BIG MISTAKE!!! Then I read CFS Unravelled and it seemed like it was tailor written for me. I could not stop reading it. Nothing about Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that I have ever read before has brought it all together like this. What a great book for partners of CFS sufferers to read – finally my husband understood what I was going through, but more importantly, how to help me recover and stay well. After 4 years of being sick, I have found a whole new appreciation for living with good health, and have been well for a number of years now. Understanding the cause of CFS and how I got sick means that I will NEVER put myself in jeopardy again and I am confident than I will stay healthy. I think it’s one thing to get healthy but to fully understand how you did it is critical if you want to stay well and not have any relapses. Just give it a chance. Reading CFS Unravelled will be the only book on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome you need to read.


This book is a must read for anyone suffering with CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia. It has given validity to my symptoms and an action plan for recovery.
It is extremely detailed with sound scientific-based facts that are given to help explain the underlying cause of this debilitating illness. This book also contains recommendations for the healing process.
In my own research before reading this book, I have deduced many of the same ideas. I have also tried variations of the recommendations with some success, but not 100%. With the knowledge gained from this book I now have the right combination and feel confident that I am not far from recovery!
Many thanks to the author for taking the time to revisit CFS and give hope and guidance to others!


The book itself I have found has a healing property (well for me)
Having been ill with ME/CFS for well over 20 years it was a revelation to read this book by Dan Neuffer. I have read many books and looked for explanations but this is the ONLY book that has made things clear to me and has given me an understanding of what is going on. A very well researched and detailed book by someone who suffered himself for many years. The book itself I have found has a healing property (well for me) how much worry and confusion do we feel when all this stuff and symptoms are happening to us and nothing makes sense and everyone has a different explanation as to what is wrong and how we should get better. This is the only book I have found that gives a valid and detailed explanation for what may be going on in our bodies. It all makes sense, and in making sense immediately resolves a lot of the stress and confusion. Yes there is work to do to possibly get well, but reading and understanding was the first step for me. It is a long and technical book, but don't be put off by this, read a bit at a time and take some time to digest it. It will be worth it in my opinion.


After suffering with fibromyalgia for 13 years, I've read all sorts of theories and 'cures'. This is the first book I have read that provides a thorough and credible explanation for the symptoms of this disorder. Ten days since reading it, I have adopted his dietary recommendations in particular and already feel much better.
Highly recommended for both fibro sufferers and their families.

Lucinda A   

I am very thankful for the palpable energy of support Dan has put out into the world. I downloaded CFS Unravelled a few days ago. Although the book contains a lot of information - it is very well organized with easy to read formatting.
Dan's research, support, and encouragement are a gift; exactly what I needed at this time to move me back into a place of action with a sense of confidence and support (the process of action has already begun both inwardly as well as out).
I have prior experience using "brain-retraining" modalities (DNRS, tapping, Sedona Method) as a method of normalizing/coping with dysfunction due to chronic illness. I have become aware of how ingrained the fear response has become in me - it has become the set point in my life. This work of "resetting" the ANS works for me (i.e. it provides relief, hope, confidence).
Dan's research and personal experience resonates deeply with what I have been intuitively coming to understand. He doesn't know it, but he has become my biggest cheerleader!

Susan E   

This is a must-read for anyone who has myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, and/or fibromyalgia. Writing from his personal life and research, Dan Neuffer clearly lays out his hypothesis and supports it with medical research. I am a nurse practitioner and wish I had read his explanation of the most complex physiological interactions when I was in school because it would have saved me having to decipher them myself. Dan presents clear and compelling evidence that autonomic nervous system dysfunction is the root of it all.
However, this is not a boring treatise even though it describes in detail the pathophysiology that causes the many diverse symptoms we deal with. After carefully explaining why we are so sick, he presents an action plan that is also supported by research and common sense. I am homebound with ME so I will have to go slowly and carefully, but I believe that I can regain much of my former life...and leave behind the things that were so detrimental to my health.

Ellie S   

This book has given me great clarity regarding the road to recovery.
I have just finished reading Dan's book. I have had CFS for nearly four years and have spent a lot of money, time, effort trying this and that to get better, including consultations, tests and treatments with professionals specialising in CFS. Dan's book has really helped me to understand what those professionals have been trying to address and to support me with and where I have had misunderstandings about what needs to happen for recovery to take place. With this now very clear understanding of what is happening in my body, I feel like "the penny has dropped", that I am no longer fumbling in the dark looking for answers form a myriad of sources. I know what I have to prioritise to support recovery, and I feel I now have enough understanding about what is actually happening in my body to know what professional advice and guidance to take on board to further support recovery. Someone just switched a light on.... thanks Dan! :)

Sara P   

This book has given me great clarity regarding the road to recovery.
I have just finished reading Dan's book. I have had CFS for nearly four years and have spent a lot of money, time, effort trying this and that to get better, including consultations, tests and treatments with professionals specialising in CFS. Dan's book has really helped me to understand what those professionals have been trying to address and to support me with and where I have had misunderstandings about what needs to happen for recovery to take place. With this now very clear understanding of what is happening in my body, I feel like "the penny has dropped", that I am no longer fumbling in the dark looking for answers form a myriad of sources. I know what I have to prioritise to support recovery, and I feel I now have enough understanding about what is actually happening in my body to know what professional advice and guidance to take on board to further support recovery. Someone just switched a light on.... thanks Dan!

Sara P   

This books gave me back hope
I feel this book is a must read for CFS sufferers, BUT I can also say timing is going to be important in when you read it. I ran across the the CFS unravelled website early on in my diagnosis when I was still looking for that one miracle cure and brushed it off as a sales pitch. I think I followed the typical path of researching this illness to death and coming up with ways to help my symptoms, but nothing to understand the core issue, which is the nervous system. Reading this book, at this time in my illness (after I understood that the secondary problems of gut, fatigue, brain fog, exercise intolerance, etc are just that: SECONDARY issues) has really given me hope of getting my life back. Understand this is not a miracle cure. There is work on your end. But, now I feel like there is light and health again at the end of the tunnel.

Shannon E   

I found Dan's first book discover hope by pure fluke but decided to take a look as I am awaiting my final diagnosis, just the crossing of the i's and dotting of the T's to both ME and Fibromyalgia. At the age of 34 and of already being ill for over four years and lots of wrong and unhelpful diagnoses imbetween I needed more information. I opened the book and to say I was engrossed is an understatement it was absolutely inspiring I really felt every word he had written every expression every emotion, this wasn't just another author trying to make money this was someone who genuinely wanted to help others but not only that used it to help himself and to me that was someone who cared , someone who knew what both these diseases did to people. I couldn't get enough . I really needed more and then came cfs unravelled, what can u say apart from pure inspiration written straight from the heart with all the heartfelt emotion from someone who has been there, someone who has struggled and has come out the other side, some one that knows these dam horrible diseases arnt just in our heads or just us being hypacondriacs that understands. This book is also written in a way we can all understand, even the complicated medical parts its pure genius. Dan Neuffer is an an amazing man a true all inspiring gentleman one who should be given great recognition for all he's done. I hope he continues I for one really hope he carries on I can't wait to see what he writes next. Well done Dan u truly deserve it :-)


Experiencing CFS/FM for the past 13 years, I've tried all sorts of different treatments only to be met with brief improvement of symptoms followed by failure every single time. After reading through this book and watching the accompanying videos on the author's website, I have hope again. It was a pain to read all of the discussions trying to explain his thesis that all of this dysfunction can be traced back to the Autonomic Nervous System, but after taking breaks and reading it in chunks, I began to see how all of the dots connected. This is the first time I've read CFS/FM research and had it satisfy sufficiently explaining how all of these different symptoms and secondary issues can be caused by one thing. After 2 days of implementing his recommendations, I am already experiencing some relief of symptoms and am going to meet with my doctor to continue customizing the author's approach to my specific situation. This book gives an overview of his theory for the single cause for CFS/FM, and suggestions for diet, exercise, sleep schedule, and supplements, but not very in depth because each person is different and needs to identify their own emotional and physical triggers with the guidance of a professional who is engaged in an ongoing relationship to lead back to wellness. This book has given me a great start, and I am hopeful again for the first time in many years. I'll return in a few months to update my progress, but right now am recommending this book to everyone I know who is dealing with this issue. I think many of the negative reviews misinterpret the author's instructions and just glanced through the explanations and took things out of context.

Nancy R   

Clearly someone who really understands what its like to have ME/CFS
Wow! This book blew me away. I've been ill with ME/CFS for years and I had just resigned myself to being ill forever. I felt like I was never going to get to the bottom of why I feel so awful nearly every day of my life. But then I read this book and I feel like somebody understands me. I feel like there is an explanation for all this. Not only that but I feel like I can get better. I know it's not going to be easy but I don't feel so depressed about it. It's helped me understand what is happening in my body and has also motivated me too. There is an action plan at the end of the book which I intend to use. Feeling very positive for the first time in a long time.


I found this book to be the best book I have read regarding Fibromyalgia and CFS. I have run a support group for five years for people suffering these disorders. This is the only book I recommend for our members. It gives the biological understanding of what is going on in our bodies along with a way to heal ourselves from these horrific disorders. Every member who has read this book agrees that it truly makes sense. For those of you who are unsure about purchasing the book, I say invest the $8.99 and see if you agree with me and my members. It is a little price to pay for a whole lot of understanding why you are the way you are. The author then gives you the road to recovery; not remission, recovery!

Laura R   

Getting the MEssage accross!
I am a huge fan of Dan Neuffer's cfs study 'CFS Unraveled'

I believe Dan is the 'Real Deal' and knows his subject and the science well.

I read the book on my wife's Kindle (with attached Mini light!) which made the reading experience really enjoyable. I usually read very little outside of computer work, especially since suffering CFS. Dan's writing style and reaffirmation of 'key points' made for a very readable, informative and revealing study. One drawback of the kindle is the lack of colour and inability to study the diagrams in detail, However, Dan offers a link to down load an excellent information pack on PDF. The Key of course is to start de-stressing your life, put in good things and don't be in a hurry. That way the body will eventually heal itself. Dan describes in detail how and why all our 'Chemical Switches' are affected in sufferers. I was able to follow the science for the most part and was fascinated by what I read.

Well done Dan! (As one to another!)
A great and inspiring read.
Thankyou 🙂

Dan G   

This book covers a good range of current treatments available, A lot of them I have personally researched and attempted to implement. Many like myself suffering find it extremely exhausting going through all the different information on cfs and to buy costly treatments and diet plans,supplements but still feeling no better after. This book is encouraging to really look for the root cause of cfs and not just concentrate on the symptoms which can be many as we all know. The information received has really put a lot of things into perspective about how to recover from cfs I feel confident I'm on the right track finally after years of struggling. Whoever reads this please keep on going and never never given in because after pain comes success.


Incredibly Helpful
I have been after a book which actually makes 'sense' about CFS, this book has given me that along with a lot of confidence to move forward. I would class myself as a mild sufferer so not completely debilitated and can work and lead a relatively normal life, but it's always there and hinders many things. I now believe this book can give me the tools to get better, so I have hope after 5years of searching! Watch this space, as a new me could well be here in a few months time! 🙂
If you have CFS, then buy this and BELIEVE in it.

Adam B   

A Must Read for Both FIbromyalgia and CFS Sufferers
PLEASE NOTE: This is a good read for both FIBROMYALGIA and CFS sufferers.
Yes, the author, Dan Neuffer, was afflicted with CFS/Fibro for years, but through his own research was able to overcome his CFS/Fibro. He is/was a physicist, so the first half of the book is a but heavy in the science behind his theory of the cause of CFS, but it is still worth the read. I didn't understand it ALL but I got the gist of it, and a LOT of it did relate to info I have already heard and read about over the years, so it did give me the confidence that I am on the right track and to keep reading the book. And I agree with the author, though its not easy to understand ALL the science, do NOT skip that part of the book, it helps to even semi-understand or be semi-familiar with the science part before you start treating.
The author does emphasize throughout the book that it is up to YOU to help YOURSELF, and I think some people get offended by that. But it is true, when you are ready to tackle it, only you can help yourself, find the right resources, listen to your body, and help heal yourself. Yes, you employ the help of doctors and naturopaths, supplements, food, diet, exercise, meditation, life balancing techniques, but it IS up to YOU to take control and define your healing destiny. His book is an excellent guide as to WHAT (the cause) you are treating, and the overall key elements to hit -- again let me emphasize it is an overall program managing stress, diet, sleep, exercise, maintaining a positive attitude and outlook and creating a healthy life balance to move forward with.
It all may sound very simple, and yes, it is simple and logical once you read this, but again it really helped me to understand WHY yoga has helped, and WHY the supplements that I take have helped me with feeling better, and WHY cutting out certain foods has helped me, and it provided me MORE guidelines to tweak and move forward with. And again it gave me confidence that I am on the right track to feeling much better!
I highly recommend this read, and I REALLY wish doctors would read this. I think the science part would make a lot of sense to them and probably help guide patients better.


The most exciting book on ME/CFS! Truly.
Although I've still not finished reading "CFS Unravelled", it's quite clearly the most exciting and valuable book on ME/CFS that I've encountered in the 15 years that I've been ill with this mysterious "disease".

The author, Dan Neuffer, also had ME/CFS so he writes from personal experience. As he began to recover, he turned his scientific training to good use (he's a physicist in Australia) by trawling through the vast quantity of medical research papers on the subject and teaching himself the mechanics of how the human body collects, stores, distributes and replenishes precious energy. From this pile of data, certain patterns began to emerge and from these he was able to construct a recovery programme that really works. He now claims to be completely cured and I certainly believe him.

"CFS Unravelled" demonstrates in simple language how to restore the balance of energy utilisation in your own body and cure yourself completely. I never thought I would read those words and it's a bold claim. Buy this book and you'll see it's justified.

Dan also gives free backup and inspiration via his website which I find enormously helpful already. He's a most kind and gentle man and you will not regret buying this book. I promise!

Colin G   

I was only diagnosed with CFS seven months ago but have been dealing with the symptoms in some degree for many years. It wasn't until I could not work anymore that I pushed to get further help than just the basic blood tests. I have been lucky to be able to regularly visit a clinic in Halifax, NS that specializes in Environmental Illness. I believe the physicians and other practitioners who run the clinic would agree with Neuffer's main hypothesis. It is what they have been telling me since the first time I went there. But this book helped me to understand the causes of the symptoms much better. It was also amazing to read a book by someone with such a great understanding of what I have been going through. I have been lucky to have a supportive health care team but that is often rare with those who experience CFS. This book would be hugely helpful to those who have not been able to get a recovery plan into effect. The suggestions in this book solidify that I am on the right path and motivates me to commit even further to the techniques and diet that have been helping me slowly improve. I plan to give a copy to everyone in my life who will read it.


People do Recover!
Dan Neuffer has done a brilliant job documenting and explaining how the autonomic nervous system appears to be of foundational concern for CFS, ME and fibromyalgia. I made the link that it’s clear that protracted psychiatric withdrawal syndromes, too, also fall into his theory very neatly. It seems many chronic illnesses and autoimmune illnesses have this autonomic nervous system involvement. I’ve not seen anyone else pull together so many of the issues I think about as I move through my own recovery. What a joy to find it. He understands deeply how everything matters. This holistic understanding of our natures and particularly these illnesses, is the cornerstone to how I’m healing myself as well. To have it all articulated so well, again, is a delight.
I find it sad that some people seem to give up hope altogether. I hope people will read this book and find a way to heal. I've seen this process heal many whom I interact with as's how may people recover, whether they're actually aware of it or not.


There were times when I got frustrated when reading this book for the first time, however when I stepped back from it and thought about it, then re-read it, I started to see the big picture and I began to appreciate it.
Until reading this book my recovery efforts have been focused on 'pacing' and activity levels, but I failed to realize the importance of emotional and mental well-being. While the book does not go into great detail of what this might look like it points you in that direction and keeps you focused on it. The author keeps you from getting too caught up in the other treatments. Indeed, in my own recovery it was easy the get overwhelmed and paniced over supplement and medicines' management.
There a few wacky suggestions but they are over shadowed by much well balanced advice.
For the majority of CFS sufferers who will slowly recover over time, this book offers advice that will aid in that recovery, though it's easy to see how some might get a little pissed off at first reading of it.


I can honestly say that CFS Unravelled has changed my life in some way. I have not been given this information about cfs anywhere else and I believe and can relate to it 100% . I read from front to back and it is crucial to do so or you will miss so much important information. Since reading I have been determined to identify the cause of my cfs as I believed there had to be something more than stress and over training (which I believed this to be the cause) but then not everyone gets cfs from stress and over training.... I recently have seen a new doctor and found out I have pyroluria, a genetic disorder where the body produces too many 'kryptopyrroles' which bind themselves to zinc and b6, preventing their use in the body. This occurs with STRESS and can result in ill eases like chronic fatigue. I believe this is my cause and it can be treated but will take time!!! I believe there will be other cfs patients out there who have pyroluria and have not yet been diagnosed. You cannot recover from cfs if pyroluria is not addressed! People ought to know and get tested (urine test) So you're book has given me major hope in my recovery, as I have sought and researched in order to pin point my cause, and have found a doctor willing to do so and who has In fact found a major piece of the puzzle. I have been recommending your book ever since i read it thank you!


The most exciting book on ME/CFS! Truly.
Although I've still not finished reading "CFS Unravelled", it's quite clearly the most exciting and valuable book on ME/CFS that I've encountered in the 15 years that I've been ill with this mysterious "disease".
The author, Dan Neuffer, also had ME/CFS so he writes from personal experience. As he began to recover, he turned his scientific training to good use (he's a physicist in Australia) by trawling through the vast quantity of medical research papers on the subject and teaching himself the mechanics of how the human body collects, stores, distributes and replenishes precious energy. From this pile of data, certain patterns began to emerge and from these he was able to construct a recovery programme that really works. He now claims to be completely cured and I certainly believe him.
"CFS Unravelled" demonstrates in simple language how to restore the balance of energy utilisation in your own body and cure yourself completely. I never thought I would read those words and it's a bold claim. Buy this book and you'll see it's justified.
Dan also gives free backup and inspiration via his website which I find enormously helpful already. He's a most kind and gentle man and you will not regret buying this book. I promise!

Colin G.   

A must read for anyone w CFS or related symptoms

This information should be the foundation of any CFS related recovery. It is a must read for anyone who wants to heal themselves. I have been reading and researching CFS for two years now and this is hands down required reading. I wish I had found it earlier.

CFS is an expansive topic, and further reading will likely be required to delve into topics such as adrenal health or gut inflammation, to name a few, but you must read CFS Unravelled first to fully understand how those treatments fit into the larger picture and understand the source of many people's CFS, the autonomic nervous system.

Jayson Y   

Hope for CFS Sufferers
(I am using the term CFS in this review only because this is the term the author has chosen to use)
Firstly, I think it is important to do as the author says and read the book, on the first occasion, from front to back without skipping ahead or skimming - this will give you an overview of the whole picture and avoid you getting fixated on one area and possibly prioritising the wrong area for treatment.
Having suffered from ME for a long time I was very keen to read this book and get to the "how to get better" part. Between my haste, brain fog and the fact that I am no biologist, I only grasped the basics of Dan Neuffer's hypothesis about the mechanisms at play in the body that are responsible for beginning, escalating and then perpetuating the symptoms of the disease.
To the level at which I was able to understand, though, the hypothesis does sound very convincing. Neuffer goes to great pains to explain, put things different ways and provide analogies, summaries and diagrams for each part of the theory - though this may seem a little excessive to some, I feel that he is trying all avenues to give the reader, at whatever level, understanding enough to alleviate the worry and fear that are a major factor in perpetuating the disease. (Not knowing what is wrong with you and why is an enormous stress when you begin every single day feeling ill, not knowing if and when you will ever be able to resume your life, work and relationships at a meaningful level.) I also found the questions and answers at the end were quite helpful in reinforcing some of the concepts.
The book explains how the author arrived at his theory of how the disease starts, hangs around and then gathers momentum, turning into some kind of multi-disease whereby the various aspects work in a circle, continually triggering each other and sometimes spiralling down at the same time, making us weaker and sicker. Neuffer goes into a lot of detail about this, for good reason (as mentioned above) then provides his theories about what needs to be done to break the cycle that causes the disease to self-perpetuate, he acknowledges the difficulties with balancing the various strands of treatment required and advises on the elements to get help with. Given the complexity of the subject I think Neuffer has made a valiant effort to explain it all with enough detail to convince but enough economy that we can manage to get through it. I was particularly interested in Neuffer's explanation of why the suggested dietary changes are important - I had come upon the same conclusions as to what foods were best for me, but hope now to be able to learn how explain with more authority the reasons why I am avoiding certain foods until I am better.
There are several recovery stories included, which A) give hope - showing that people can and do recover from CFS and B)illustrate that there are many different roads to recovery. Neuffer is not proposing a rigid path, but offering information on as many of the areas of treatment as possible, whilst proposing that certain areas should be prioritised, with further treatments added in later, only if necessary, on the basis of individual need. Incidentally, the recovery stories are not about people who have read "CFS Unravelled", but who have stumbled upon treatments that have relieved enough of the problem areas for recovery to take hold naturally.
I have high hopes for getting more firmly on the path to recovery after reading this book, although I do need to read it again to improve my understanding of some of the more complicated areas.
I hope the book will come out in print soon as my only criticism is that I had trouble reading some of the lists and tables on my kindle app for iphone. (I have not removed any stars for this as I realise I am reviewing a pre-launch version)

V. Lockwood   

Great read
Dan really does know his stuff, and has recovered from this hideous illness himself. We tend to drive ourselves crazy searching for the root cause of CFS when trying to find the cure, whether it be vaccinations, too much stress, a virus etc, Dan points out the obvious, whatever it was that was your trigger, something triggered the autonomic nervous system to over react for a long time, I like the way he points out that everything else is secondary. I have spent thousands on treating all the different areas of my health that went wrong, nutrition, hormones, methylation, food intolerance, none of it worked because my nervous system was not functioning correctly.

C Long   

Hope for CFS Sufferers
(I am using the term CFS in this review only because this is the term the author has chosen to use)
Firstly, I think it is important to do as the author says and read the book, on the first occasion, from front to back without skipping ahead or skimming - this will give you an overview of the whole picture and avoid you getting fixated on one area and possibly prioritising the wrong area for treatment.
Having suffered from ME for a long time I was very keen to read this book and get to the "how to get better" part. Between my haste, brain fog and the fact that I am no biologist, I only grasped the basics of Dan Neuffer's hypothesis about the mechanisms at play in the body that are responsible for beginning, escalating and then perpetuating the symptoms of the disease.
To the level at which I was able to understand, though, the hypothesis does sound very convincing. Neuffer goes to great pains to explain, put things different ways and provide analogies, summaries and diagrams for each part of the theory - though this may seem a little excessive to some, I feel that he is trying all avenues to give the reader, at whatever level, understanding enough to alleviate the worry and fear that are a major factor in perpetuating the disease. (Not knowing what is wrong with you and why is an enormous stress when you begin every single day feeling ill, not knowing if and when you will ever be able to resume your life, work and relationships at a meaningful level.) I also found the questions and answers at the end were quite helpful in reinforcing some of the concepts.
The book explains how the author arrived at his theory of how the disease starts, hangs around and then gathers momentum, turning into some kind of multi-disease whereby the various aspects work in a circle, continually triggering each other and sometimes spiralling down at the same time, making us weaker and sicker. Neuffer goes into a lot of detail about this, for good reason (as mentioned above) then provides his theories about what needs to be done to break the cycle that causes the disease to self-perpetuate, he acknowledges the difficulties with balancing the various strands of treatment required and advises on the elements to get help with. Given the complexity of the subject I think Neuffer has made a valiant effort to explain it all with enough detail to convince but enough economy that we can manage to get through it. I was particularly interested in Neuffer's explanation of why the suggested dietary changes are important - I had come upon the same conclusions as to what foods were best for me, but hope now to be able to learn how explain with more authority the reasons why I am avoiding certain foods until I am better.
There are several recovery stories included, which A) give hope - showing that people can and do recover from CFS and B)illustrate that there are many different roads to recovery. Neuffer is not proposing a rigid path, but offering information on as many of the areas of treatment as possible, whilst proposing that certain areas should be prioritised, with further treatments added in later, only if necessary, on the basis of individual need. Incidentally, the recovery stories are not about people who have read "CFS Unravelled", but who have stumbled upon treatments that have relieved enough of the problem areas for recovery to take hold naturally.
I have high hopes for getting more firmly on the path to recovery after reading this book, although I do need to read it again to improve my understanding of some of the more complicated areas.

V. Lockwood   

This is an exhaustive personal search by a trustworthy individual scientist with great skill, intelligence, and logic. It provides the first unarguable basis in fact and reason for medical science to accept, and to start to deal effectively with, this widespread affliction of modern life, that I have found in a long search as a sufferer from one of the many variations of this malady. At last, there is a proven way forward and hope of relief, or restoration of health, for most - possibly all - of those who suffer from one variant or another of this chronic disorder. This work needs to be read from beginning to end, and thus fully understood by the reader. To do so will best equip the reader to deal with the twists and turns that the healing process may produce. The work reveals how very many combined causal factors can produce a bewildering variety of ill-effects. As I see it, the great benefit of this book is that it also reveals the remarkable number of commonalities between the different kinds of "Unexplained" maladies centred around Chronic Fatigue, and shows clearly why each afflicted person needs their own individual collection of causal factors to be fully assessed. I especially commend this book to anyone with "Inexplicable" or "Un-recognised" debilitation, who desperately wants to fix the problem, and who has met with disbelief or thinly-disguised contempt when seeking help or understanding. I suspect there are far fewer "Idlers" in this world than we are culturally led to believe. For those unfairly so labelled, and who struggle to fend off despair whilst trying to cope, read this book. I believe it is bound to help. I also beg any decent clinician who is presented with a previously "impossible-case", whose symptoms include any variant of "Inexplicable" fatigue and resulting increasing disability, to read this work with an open mind. I wish all others so afflicted a return to health

Ed G   

Excellent book on CFS and Recovery
This book by Dan Neuffer is one of the best books I've read on CFS and how to recover. Neuffer brings a thoughtful, scientific and unassuming approach to the quest for answers to CFS - and his hypothesis might just be the explanation we have been waiting for. His hypothesis certainly holds up to the everyday experience of many people with CFS. A must-read for anyone with CFS, and medical practitioners who want to have a fuller understanding of this mysterious and confusing condition.


Great stuff!
If you suffer from this condition, you'll find it inspiring and helpful.

Shane W.   

This book is great. I mostly recovered (to a level of 80%) using Amydala retraining. This book helped with with my last 20%. A full recover is possible and i am living proof. I applaud the author for writing it and am so glad i found it.

Andrea W   

This book was very helpful to me. Written very well and easy to understand.
Thanks for this fantastic book.

Amy M   

Finally a book that breaks it all down into language we are able to understand AND offers possible answers to all the WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN. This book could have been written about me... it resonates with me deeply. I wholeheartedly recommend it. Afterall - why not try and help yourself as much as you can, this book offers you this opportunity.


Just Brilliant
This is the best most comprehensive book on CFS I have ever read and I HAVE READ LOADS!! The explanations about how vitamins affect your body were clear and concise, thank you fr this, have recommended it to loads of my support group members.

T. White   

As a sufferer for many years at last I have found someone who writes in easy to understand language. He understands what it is all about and not as many people think 'it's all in your head' The book needs to be read as stated from begining to end. It has left me feeling more positive about myself and I will act on advice given.

Rita L   

Well written and it covers all the basics of what people with CFS and Fibromyalgia need to know to get some relief.

Judy H   

Excellent Book
Thank you so much for your wonderful book. I found it to be an absolutely wonderful take fibromyalgia/CFS survivors and what it takes to really create a regimen that works best for us and our mental health and how it plays a significant role in how we all have the potential to heal parts of our chronic pain.


I thoroughly recommend this book to anyone with CFS and related conditions like Fibromyalgia. This book lets you look at the cause of your CFS and helps in the recovery process. Daniel explains that it is not a quick fix as it took a while to get to this state so with guidance it will take time to recover and he will help you all the way with recovery.


This is by far the best book I have read and I have read many. The science behind CFS is explained and then how you can help yourself to recover. Your nervous system has been traumatized and no magical pill will fix this problem

Vince Z   

Great book
I love this book. I have a clear direction and know what to do to completely heal from CFS. I'm glad I found CFS Uraveled on youtube. After watching interviews with people who healed from CFS I bought the book. I thought I just had to live with CFS. Now I have hope that I can have energy and health again.

M W   

A clear conscise book based on sound research, with clear , easy to follow guidelines for turning this terrible illness around.

Jan C   

Intelligent and helpful
Having fibromyalgia myself, this book was quite enlightening.The information was helpful, describing the disease completely. The book gave me more understanding of how I started with this disease and true possibilities of how I could rid myself of the disease. Thank you, Dan Neuffer.

Ann E   

Thank You!
Many thanks for writing this, it is a bit complex but so is ME. It great to read books written by somebody who has actually suffered the same symptoms and gone down the same weary trail. I am trying to follow the advice given - there's nothing hugely complicated so I feel hopeful after 10 years of this horrible illness.


I had waited for this kind of book for a long time. Dan Neuffer explains scientifically how and why it is so difficult to recover from CFS, but also shows that it can be done. After having read this book I slept better and got more hope to recover myself.

Bodil W   

Intriguing. Well-researched and written. Implementing its information was literally life-changing. Thank you Dan Neuffer for your tenacity, intelligence and talent.

Amy B   

The writer know exactly how it feels to have CFS. I liked that the book was written from someone who had CFS point of view and I am currently trying out his Theory do i can be healthy again like he is.


Life Changing
Intriguing. Well-researched and written. Implementing its information was literally life-changing. Thank you Dan Neuffer for your tenacity, intelligence and talent.

Amy B   

Great read!
Very well researched and well explained by the author. I would definitely recommend this to people looking to recover from ME/CFS


A comprehensive, all encompassing understanding of CFS
The author's book was extremely helpful in that he both covers some significant explanations of the cause of CFS yet steps back and looks at the bigger picture, i.e. a dysfunction within the autonomic nervous system. His writing style is clear and he expresses some complex concepts in a thoughtful and thorough manner. I would thoroughly recommend it as a starting point for anyone who is seeking to understand the underlying mechanisms for CFS and a way forward in terms of addressing it!

Chris B   

This is an excellent and comprehensive explanation of the most likely mechanism of CFS and how to help yourself get better. Quite complex explanations but worth trying to follow them. I have been following his advice and have noticed definite improvements.

Kate D.   

The book is extremely informative, well grounded in research and full of hope. It tackles understanding and treating the root causes of such a devastating condition.

Greg D   

This book is a must read!
I can not explain how much this book has helped me to understand Fibromyalgia. It makes a whole lot of sense!Doctors barely understand it and are just trying to load you with medications that don't fix the underlying problems. You have to start from the inside out and this book gives lots of great information and resources to help you understand and come up with a plan.

L Branch   

I found this book free on kindle and thought, what have I got to lose? I feel like crap anyway, I can't get any worse...
WOW... Amazing insight, Amazing story, Amazing results... Get it - You won't be disappointed

A C   

A book for physicians and patients alike
I love this book for its honesty and reader-focus. A very horrible disease that theoretically is incurable ... And see, you too can overcome it. There is much work in this book. I am sure it will be extremely popular among physicians and patients, as well.
Dan, I will design your next cover for free! Thank you for doing this valuable contribution to many people.


If you have ME/CFS please read this book
I have just read this book as I have had CFS for five and a half years and have tried a lot of different techniques and supplements but have never recovered. This book is written by someone who has recovered and done a lot of research and spent a lot of time on this project. It is well written and goes into fine detail about the causes and how to reverse the illness. I have just started on my action list and can't wait to try the ideas in the book. It gives hope to anyone who has this terrible illness and a lot of things to try.


Interesting and informative
I found this book interesting as it connected many pieces of information and certainly rang true with my experiences of this illness. I would recommend it.

Gina B   

One of the best books I've read in a long time
One of the best books I've read in a long time. Dan should be commended on an exceptional read. Finally someone with a balanced common sense approach to CFS. The hypothesis really fits in with my own personal story and how/why I got sick in the first place. Well done, 5 stars from me! Now time to work on my recovery!

Elizabeth W   

Best investment i've made.
Finally, someone who understands what we are going through. I believe that recovery depends on understanding the root causes of this illness and Dan offers the best view yet having been there himself for several years. This book is by far the best investment I have made in this illness, It has given me hope of a full and healthy life where nothing else has.

Tania L   

Finally, someone who understands what we are going through. I believe that recovery depends on understanding the root causes of this illness and Dan offers the best view yet having been there himself for several years. This book is by far the best investment I have made in this illness, It has given me hope of a full and healthy life where nothing else has.

Tania L   
  • Hello I m not sure if I have Lyme disease, but something autoimmune; every treatment fails as my Nervous System just freaks out & I go into a panic state for 6 weeks! I have inflamed ankles & feet, but otherwise many CFS symptoms, eg insomnia, tinnitus, fatigue, I wonder if Dans programme could help me? Thanks so much

    • Well, the “Nervous System just freaks out” part certainly sounds like ME/CFS.

      However, it is key that you are properly investigated to rule out other illness and to see if a diagnosis of ME/CFS, POTS, Fibromyalgia or PVFS is appropriate.

      If the doctors can find ‘nothing wrong with you’ or say you are fine and you have symptoms that match, the program may be a good fit.

    • We have many positive experiences of recovery by people experiencing ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS and also MCS. EHS is much more rare and at this stage we haven’t had any reports from people who have engaged in the program and recovered from EHS. There may be some people, but we have no definitive feedback.

  • Hi Dan,
    My daughter joined your program,we started Oct last year. She was having from one system wrong to another, from muscle pain to brain frog, POTS, allergy to multiple chemical, gluten, additive. After 3 months, following your technique, she was able to get 80 to 90% better.
    I have not read your book, but the video programs was fantastic.
    Thank you Dan, you are very kind, for sharing your methods, that have helped many people.

  • Hi Dan

    My son Peter has had moderate CFS from the age of 13 following a virus like illness. He is now 16 and a half and doing 2 A Levels instead of 3 but hardly able to see his friends due to the exhaustion that would follow.

    He has agreed to look at your introductory videos, having previously been under the impression that he would get better from sheer willpower, (rather than hard work!). I feel certain that if he followed your programme he will recover. However, as it is geared for adults, I wonder if you have any tips for adolescence ? Have you done any interviews with youngsters?

    I will be getting your videos myself if he chooses not to get them via his own email. This way, even if he is not so actively involved I can hopefully guide him in the correct direction. Obviously, it would be much better if he were proactive and self directed.

    Best regards, Clare Berrington

    • Hi Claire,
      The program is designed for adults, so all content would have to be filtered my yourself before letting him watch it.
      You should also discuss his thoughts around the lessons.
      If you does not end up engaging in the lessons – don’t force him – he has to be self-motivated. However, the learnings from the program should still help you to support him with creating a healing environment and how you parent/coach him.

  • My story will be familiar to others here: 19 years ago I was medically diagnosed with M.E./CFS/PVFS,even Lyme disease by different G.P.s/Consultants and Alternative practitoners. The only treatment from my local G.P.s has been in the last two weeks in the form of B12 injections (despite a “normal” blood test result) – symptoms being the same or similar to B12 defficiency. Too soon to tell if there is improvement and not sure yet if/when further ones will be available. Alternative treatments discontinued about two years ago partly due to lack of progress and cost. I do think it is important to have a suitably qualified person onside providing they fully understand the conditon(s) – not all of them do. Thank you, Dan for the free videos which I find very interesting and helpful as is your book, received recently. Have yet to finish reading it but so far it is very good at explaining the mechanism behind the conditons, and is easy to read and understand even with brain fog. I like the layout with short chapters, with a summary at each end and especially the diagrams. A lot of hard work has gone into putting all this information togther which is very much appreciated as, are many of the comments here from fellow PECs.

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