Frequently Asked Questions

What improvements can I aim for with the ANS REWIRE program?

As you complete the program, you will gain a deeper understanding of how the illness works and the personal triggers you are experiencing. Naturally, everybody’s situation and state of health is different when starting the program, so whilst some can experience changes very quickly, even in a matter of days or weeks, others will take a little more time. That is why we recommend a commitment of 6 months to engage in the program, during which you use the strategies and techniques taught and explore further strategies as directed.

Some approaches or programs claim to offer ‘cures’ which we believe to be an inappropriate term given the pathophysiology of the illness. Whilst there are many treatments and approaches that yield significant improvements, even full and robust lasting recoveries, we don’t believe that a singular strategy will ever be a successful ‘cure’ that works for everyone. This is because the dynamics of the illness can involve secondary dysfunctions and also involve highly personalised triggers. This is reflected by the variance in symptoms that people experience as well as the different circumstances leading up to first falling ill.

The ANS REWIRE program is designed to help you understand the illness and identify secondary dysfunctions and triggers, and train you to use a range of strategies and techniques to address them. The program does not provide medical advice and expects you to stay under the medical advice of your doctor, and also offers you guidance and direction in working with your doctor and other health care professionals where needed.

We suggest you aim for an improvement in health within 3-6 months of commencing the program.

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I have been ill a very long time, can this program still work for me?

With many people the illness evolves over time, and some develop additional dysfunctions and symptoms, whilst others experience a stabilising of sorts. It would certainly be reasonable to suggest that long-term sufferers have the potential for a greater number of dysfunctions and triggers, however, we have also seen that they often learn and use helpful strategies and treatments already.

And so it is more about your personal state of health, history, knowledge and ability to engage in strategies, techniques and treatments, which is likely to impact your recovery time, rather than just how long you have been ill for.

Based on this, and the fact that we have seen many long-term sufferers recover (after decades of illness and even very late in life), we believe that anyone can stage a successful recovery, including longer-term sufferers.

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Will my existing treatments or medications interfere with the program?

We strongly recommend that you check with your doctor regarding any additional strategies or treatments before you commence them.

The program is educational in nature and designed to complement the advice of your medical doctor and other health care professionals, not to replace it.

We believe that it would be very unlikely that any existing treatments should interfere or hinder your recovery. If you wish to change or reduce any medications over time as you improve in your health, you must only do so under medical supervision.

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Will the program work for my specific symptoms?

The program is not based on treating specific symptoms, but rather on treating the syndrome as a whole by focussing on the root mechanism, the ANS dysfunction. It is our view that as the root dysfunction normalises, that the body is able to heal so that the symptoms and secondary dysfunctions resolve.

Hence any symptoms that are part of the syndrome (Fibromyalgia, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue and Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity) are expected to resolve as you recover your health.

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Will I need to engage in additional treatments?

Given the large number of symptoms and dysfunctions that are part of this illness, people can sometimes be on the seemingly never-ending treatment ‘merry-go-round’. The problem with this approach is that the reason for the symptoms and secondary dysfunctions is never addressed (ie. Dysautonomia). In fact, in our experience, despite the most diligent and persistent efforts, such treatments often only have limited results or results that are not enduring.

By focussing your recovery plan first and foremost on recreating homeostasis in the body and returning autonomic function to normal, most of these persistent issues can then finally resolve naturally without any additional treatment.

However, because the physical dysfunction and illness can be so severe, we strongly believe that assisting the body to return to health can be very helpful in some individuals, depending on your symptoms. This is why the program provides you with education on some specific issues and treatment options that you might then benefit from exploring with your integrative doctor or medical doctor and naturopath.

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Will the program help with pain?

There can be many reasons for pain, which is why any pain must always be reported to your medical doctor and be appropriately investigated. The pain experienced in ME/CFS & fibromyalgia is typically due to inflammation and a process known as central sensitisation that occurs in chronic pain. This means that we experience pain much more severely, and sometimes even with very little or no stimulus.

So inflammation and the typical pain that is part of the illness, is just another symptom that normally resolves on its own as people experience recovery from the syndrome as a whole.

However, because pain itself is a strong trigger for the illness, the program actually includes specific education and brain training to assist in normalising your experience of pain. This is especially important for people that have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

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Will the program help with MCS & EMHS?

Yes, the program is designed to help people experiencing Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EMHS).

MCS and EMHS are specific triggers of the illness that some people develop over time. Recovery is about treating the syndrome as a whole and normalising ANS function, but because these triggers are particularly distinct and strong, we also recommend that the techniques be specifically applied with these triggers.

We also provide some additional specific education and guidance around how to apply the techniques for these specific triggers.

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Will the program help with POTS?

Yes, the program is designed to help people experiencing Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).

POTS is an expression of the illness that is actually widely recognised as being ANS dysfunction

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How quickly can I complete the program?

It is important to remember that recovery does not come simply from an education process alone, but requires consistent action over a period of time. So it is about understanding and also reflecting on the information and taking the action steps to move you forward. That is why the program has been structured so that generally speaking, one lesson is delivered per day.

The core foundation lessons of the program will hence be made available online over a period of about 6 weeks. After that, you may re-listen to specific lessons or simply focus on your daily action plan.

There will also be additional lessons over the following months, including interviews on the techniques and strategies with people that have recovered using the program and additional focussed lessons to help you fine-tune your strategy and build your understanding.

For those that feel able and eager to do more during this initial educational phase, it is important to demonstrate some patience and focus on the lesson of the day, and any action steps that come with that. We have noted that the foundation understanding is really key to help people stay on track during their recovery. And so the program has been designed specifically to deepen your understanding first, and to coach you to take the ongoing steps towards your recovery.

Of course we understand that even a staggered program like this may be difficult for those that are in a very severe state of poor health. The benefit of this online program means that you can slow down and complete the education in your own time.

It is important to remember that the process doesn’t end when the initial program has been completed, but that you follow through with the strategies and techniques until you make a recovery. This is why we ask that you commit yourself to following the program for at least 6 months, during which time you are likely to go back and re-watch certain sections of the training program.

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What is in the program?
The ANS REWIRE Recovery Program for ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia includes:
  • Over 40 core online lessons across 5 main categories - average lesson time is 25-35 minutes, although a few lessons are longer or shorter than this;
  • Numerous shorter videos desgigned to help you focus your approach and gain distinctions for your recovery;
  • Interviews with people that have recovered using the program, to see how they specifically engaged with the techniques and negotiated the challenges of recovery;
  • An interactive component for questions and answers with your instructor/educator;
  • Over 5000 questions & answers for you to access;
  • Audio Tracks with Mindfulness Meditation Course, Pain Desensitisation Exercises and Sleep Relaxations (see Audio details)
The program is designed to guide you in your recovery journey and help you take 3 important steps:
  1. Understand what is going on;
  2. Learn what we need to do and how to do it; AND
  3. Take the action steps to move us forward.

Along with these 3 steps, the program allows you to develop your own personal framework for recovery and coaches you to take the daily action steps you need on your journey to recovery.

For more details regarding the content of the program, read the recovery program description and details HERE.

The easiest and best way to learn more is to watch the free introductory module.

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How does ANS REWIRE compare to other online and DVD based ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia recovery programs?

We cannot comment on other programs, as we only have detailed information regarding the ANS REWIRE program. In time, there may be independent reviews by people who have fully engaged in recent versions of other programs and then completed the ANS REWIRE program, to make an accurate comparison.

There are different approaches which different people may prefer (some people prefer are more focussed approach whilst others prefer a comprehensive approach that utilises more strategies and tools).

We recommend that you consider any other programs and get detailed information from them regarding their contents and approach, and then get all the information you need about the ANS REWIRE program. We always recommend that people first watch the ANS REWIRE Intro Series, read the program description, and then the FAQ’s. If you still have further questions about the program, you can contact us for further clarification on any specifics.

Particular features of the ANS REWIRE program that you may find helpful in your decision making process include:
  1. focus on a multi-lateral approach as described in the program description and designed to complement your existing relationships and treatments with various health care providers;
  2. has multiple components to the brain training segment of the program, which addresses a range of triggers;
  3. ability for you to customise the core techniques to your personal situation and preference;
  4. specific lessons designed to address pain desensitisation and triggers like MCS/EMHS.
  5. interactive comonents with your educator/instructor including the questions and answer components of the program

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How is the program delivered?

The program is delivered online via a membership website that you logon to with your own personal username and password. Each day a new lesson becomes available which consists of a video that is usually 25-35 minutes in length (some lessons are shorter or longer, up to around 50 minutes). Along with that, there can be additional resources for you to download or print. With over 40 lessons in total, the whole course is rolled out to you in about 5-6 weeks.

There is also an audio track portion that contains some further education and training, specifically on mindfulness meditation, relaxation techniques and pain desensitisation exercises. These are designed as an extension of the online video education.

These tracks can be streamed inside the program. After 31 days, you can download MP3 versions where the tracks are streamed.

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Will I have to do anything except watch the videos?

Yes, absolutely. The program requires you to take daily action steps during the initial education phases as well as ongoing daily action beyond that. This includes brain training, physical strategies and lifestyle alterations during your recovery period. However, the changes can be made gradually over a period of time and get easier with practice. Further, as you continue to make progress, this process gets easier and your efforts and commitment required will reduce as you move towards being recovered.

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Can I get some 1-1 help?

You can apply for some personalised coaching if you are enrolled in the program, which is currently offered at an additional cost of AU$120/hour. However, this is generally only available to enrolled members once the educational program has been completed. This is to ensure that 1-1 time is used to focus on any personal coaching or breakthrough work rather than foundation training, which is available in the program.

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Watch the 4 Free Introductory Lessons Now