ANS REWIRE On-line Recovery Program Introduction Videos:
  • Hi Dan,
    I’ve been diagnosed with POTS. Practitioners have said that both my parsympathetic, and my sympathetic systems are both over active. Main and most difficult symptoms that I’ve had for 3 years are tremors, heart bounding, dizziness. Symptoms are worsened when I’m busier, there’s extra noise, after I drive, while attending church service. Do you think that this program will help someone with both psns, and the sns in overdrive?

    • Hi Mary
      Sorry for the late reply – I overlooked this one!
      It’s my view that indeed the issue is BOTH ANS and PNS over-reaction in people experiencing ME/CFS/Fibro/POTS.
      So yes, I would be fine with you enrolling.

  • Hi Dan,

    I really like your hypothesis on how M.E/CFS manifests & it does encapsulate how many of the dysfunctions arrive. I was initially diagnosed with M.E/CFS, but eventually found out it was POTS that was the driving force of many of the symptoms. Since POTS is directly related to autonomic dysfunction, would you be also gearing your ANS Rewire towards these sets of patients? Thank you for all our your work, cause I know myself how much literature is out there in the field & often contradictory.

    • Hi Sharon,
      Apologies, it has been my error not to be more specific about POTS.
      POTS is ME/CFS, it’s just that one symptom is pronounced, hence yet another name.
      So yes, ANS REWIRE is specifically designed for POTS/ME/CFS/SEID/Fibromyalgia/MCS/CFIDS/PVFS/EMHS. 🙂
      No wonder we have difficulty getting help with this illness, so many names just add to the confusion!

      • Thanks Dan. There is definitely way too many names for one central cause because there also seems to be many subsets of dysautonomia.

        • Indeed, there are differences in how the ilness expresses itself, which also varies over time. However, It is still my strong view that a common framework applies. 🙂

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